
Riot Games API Java Library

Easily retrieve and use League of Legends data in your web and mobile (Android) apps!


Disclaimer: This product is not endorsed, certified or otherwise approved in any way by Riot Games, Inc. or any of its affiliates.


riot-api-java requires the following libraries:


Download the .jar file, and add it as an external library to your project.

If you are using Eclipse, this can be done by right clicking your project, and selecting:

Build Path -> Configure Build Path -> Libraries -> Add External Jars

and selecting the jar under the Order and Export tab.


This library can be used strictly according to the Riot API Documentation like so:

import java.util.Map;
import constant.Region;
import dto.Summoner.Summoner;

public class Example {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws RiotApiException {

        RiotApi api = new RiotApi("YOUR-API-KEY-HERE");

        Map summoners = api.getSummonersByName(Region.NA, "rithms, tryndamere");
        Summoner summoner = summoners.get("rithms");
        long id = summoner.getId();


Available accessors allow you to accomplish similar tasks in a different way. Below is an example of how to set your region. Because the region was set before a method was called, there is no need to pass in the region parameter. This is great for people that know they will only be working in one region when making multiple requests. The same can be done for the season.

import java.util.Map;
import constant.Region;
import dto.Summoner.Summoner;

public class Example {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws RiotApiException {

        RiotApi api = new RiotApi("YOUR-API-KEY-HERE");

        Map summoners = api.getSummonersByName("rithms, tryndamere");
        Summoner summoner = summoners.get("rithms");
        long id = summoner.getId();


It is important to be aware of your personal rate limit. Any method call from the RiotAPI is a request that counts towards your rate limit, with exceptions to the accessors/mutators of region, key, and season, as well as any requests regarding static data. The below code makes 2 requests; one request for a summoner, and another for ranked stats of a summoner.

import constant.Region;
import constant.Season;
import dto.Stats.RankedStats;

public class Example {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws RiotApiException {

        RiotApi api = new RiotApi("YOUR-API-KEY-HERE", Region.NA);

        RankedStats rankedStats = api.getRankedStats(api.getSummonersByName("rithms, tryndamere").get("rithms").getId());


API Versions

API Servers Support
champion-v1.2 [BR, EUNE, EUW, KR, LAN, LAS, NA, OCE, RU, TR] Yes
current-game-v1.0 [BR, EUNE, EUW, KR, LAN, LAS, NA, OCE, RU, TR] Yes
featured-games-v1.0 [BR, EUNE, EUW, KR, LAN, LAS, NA, OCE, RU, TR] Yes
game-v1.3 [BR, EUNE, EUW, KR, LAN, LAS, NA, OCE, RU, TR] Yes
league-v2.5 [BR, EUNE, EUW, KR, LAN, LAS, NA, OCE, RU, TR] Yes
lol-static-data-v1.2 [BR, EUNE, EUW, KR, LAN, LAS, NA, OCE, RU, TR] Yes
lol-status-v1.0 [BR, EUNE, EUW, LAN, LAS, NA, OCE, PBE, RU, TR] Yes
match-v2.2 [BR, EUNE, EUW, KR, LAN, LAS, NA, OCE, RU, TR] Yes
matchlist-v2.2 [BR, EUNE, EUW, KR, LAN, LAS, NA, OCE, RU, TR] Yes
matchhistory-v2.2 [BR, EUNE, EUW, KR, LAN, LAS, NA, OCE, RU, TR] Yes
stats-v1.3 [BR, EUNE, EUW, KR, LAN, LAS, NA, OCE, RU, TR] Yes
summoner-v1.4 [BR, EUNE, EUW, KR, LAN, LAS, NA, OCE, RU, TR] Yes
team-v2.4 [BR, EUNE, EUW, KR, LAN, LAS, NA, OCE, RU, TR] Yes


Rate Limit = api-version

No Limit = api-version

Return Type Method API
ChampionList getChampions(Region region, boolean freeToPlay) champion-v1.2
Champion getChampionById(Region region, int champId) champion-v1.2
CurrentGameInfo getCurrentGameInfo(PlatformId platformId, long summonerId) current-game-v1.0
FeaturedGames getFeaturedGames(Region region) featured-games-v1.0
RecentGames getRecentGames(Region region, long summonerId) game-v1.3
Map<String, List<League>> getLeagueBySummoners(Region region, long... summonerIds) league-v2.5
Map<String, List<League>> getLeagueEntryBySummoners(Region region, long... summonerIds) league-v2.5
Map<String, List<League>> getLeagueByTeams(Region region, long... teamIds) league-v2.5
Map<String, List<League>> getLeagueEntryByTeams(Region region, long... teamIds) league-v2.5
League getChallengerLeagues(Region region, QueueType queueType) league-v2.5
League getMasterLeagues(Region region, QueueType queueType) league-v2.5
ChampionList getDataChampionList(Region region, String locale, String version, boolean dataById, ChampData... champData) lol-static-data-v1.2
Champion getDataChampion(Region region, int id, String locale, String version, boolean dataById, ChampData... champData) lol-static-data-v1.2
ItemList getDataItemList(Region region, String locale, String version, ItemListData... itemListData) lol-static-data-v1.2
Item getDataItem(Region region, int id, String locale, String version, ItemData... itemData) lol-static-data-v1.2
Realm getDataRealm(Region region) lol-static-data-v1.2
RuneList getDataRuneList(Region region, String locale, String version, RuneListData... runeListData) lol-static-data-v1.2
Rune getDataRune(Region region, int id, String locale, String version, RuneData... runeData) lol-static-data-v1.2
MasteryList getDataMasteryList(Region region, String locale, String version, MasteryListData... masteryListData) lol-static-data-v1.2
Mastery getDataMastery(Region region, int id, String locale, String version, MasteryData... masteryData) lol-static-data-v1.2
SummonerSpellList getDataSummonerSpellList(Region region, String locale, String version, boolean dataById, SpellData... spellData) lol-static-data-v1.2
SummonerSpell getDataSummonerSpell(Region region, int id, String locale, String version, SpellData... spellData) lol-static-data-v1.2
List<String> getDataVersions(Region region) lol-static-data-v1.2
List<String> getDataLanguages(Region region) lol-static-data-v1.2
GameMapList getDataGameMapList(Region region, String locale, String version) lol-static-data-v1.2
LanguageStrings getDataLanguageStrings(Region region, String locale, String version) lol-static-data-v1.2
List<Shard> getShards() lol-status-v1.0
ShardStatus getShardStatus(Region region) lol-status-v1.0
MatchDetail getMatch(Region region, long matchId) match-v2.2
MatchList getMatchList(Region region, long summonerId, String championIds, String rankedQueues, String seasons, long beginTime, long endTime, int beginIndex, int endIndex) matchlist-v2.2
RankedStats getRankedStats(Region region, Season season, long summonerId) stats-v1.3
PlayerStatsSummaryList getPlayerStatsSummary(Region region, Season season, long summonerId) stats-v1.3
Map<String, Summoner> getSummonersByName(Region region, String summonerNames) summoner-v1.4
Map<String, Summoner> getSummonersById(Region region, long... summonerIds) summoner-v1.4
Map<String, String> getSummonerNames(Region region, long... summonerIds) summoner-v1.4
Map<String, MasteryPages> getMasteryPages(Region region, String summonerIds) summoner-v1.4
Map<String, RunePages> getRunePages(Region region, String summonerIds) summoner-v1.4
Map<String, List<Team>> getTeamsBySummonerIds(Region region, long... summonerIds) team-v2.4
Map<String, Team> getTeamsByTeamIds(Region region, long... teamIds) team-v2.4

Most of these methods have overloaded versions if you have no use for some of the optional parameters. For more information and details about the methods of this library, use the javadoc page.

Also note, this library strictly follows the conventions of the official API. Therefore you may find the official Riot Games API Reference to be useful as well.


Have a suggestion, complaint, or question? Tweet me for a quick reply, or send me an email.